Stories about AP Health

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Cardiac Surgery Requires Increasingly Skilled Team

By Dan Teller, PA-C, Vice President of Cardiac Services

I started my career in cardiac surgery nearly 40 years ago. The advances that I’ve witnessed in terms of procedures, medicines and machines have transformed the nature and the effectiveness of the cardiac OR.

Cardiothoracic Surgery is a Passion for Irina Gruboy, PA-C, PhD

“I can’t think of doing anything but cardiac surgery,” says Irina Gruboy, PA-C. “It is my true passion in life because we take people into the operating room and about three or four hours later, we change lives for the better. It is so gratifying knowing that you are part of something so monumental for them and I think it’s absolutely incredible.”

Denis Karchebnyi Finds Opportunity, Advancement at AP Health

AP Health has been implementing what Denis does intuitively into its Surgeon Relationship Management (SRM) program. “I understand what it’s like to be a surgeon,” Denis explains. “Like everyone, surgeons can have very different personalities and different ways they like to work. You must understand that, but also realize that whoever the surgeon is, your role is to make their jobs easier and make them more successful.”

Why AP Health is Employee Owned

By Toby Gray, CEO

I believe owners think differently than employees with no stake in the company’s future. They are more committed to the success of their fellow employees and to the company as a whole.

Injection of Innovation Required to Recover Hospital Margins

By Greg Flanagan, COO

Hospitals are being squeezed by the dual forces of soaring costs and limited revenue growth, resulting in extreme pressures on margins. Faced with these increased costs, hospitals are looking for ways to boost revenue from all sources.

PA-C Kristen Stilley Finds Work-Life Balance at AP Health

When asked to describe what she was looking for in a new PA job, Kristen says, “the biggest thing for me is the ability to leave work at work.”

AP Health Earns 2022 Great Place to Work Certification™

AP Health is proud to be Certified™ by Great Place to Work® for the 2nd year in a row. The prestigious award is based entirely on what current employees say about their experience working at AP Health. This year, 84% of employees said it’s a great place to work- 25% higher than the average U.S. company.

Successful Recruitment Requires Ongoing Effort

By Melanie Larson, Director of Human Resources

Recruiting and retaining employees is challenging in any industry – probably none more so than healthcare. This only gets more difficult the more specialized the healthcare professional. To succeed, you need to have an ongoing recruitment and retention program. That’s one of the main reasons hospitals and surgeons value their partnership with AP Health.

PAs Continue to Grow in Reach, Importance

By J. Toby Gray, PA-C, CEO of AP Health

I became a PA in 1998 because it was a profession that was not only growing in numbers, but also in importance. I saw it as a great way for me to make a more impactul contribution to the delivery of quality healthcare.