
Reduce operating expenses and improve productivity, profitability and outcomes in your Operating Rooms by partnering with AP Health. We provide highly-skilled Advanced Practice Providers with a focus on great surgical care and quality outcomes.

Why partner with AP Health?

  • OR Expense Reduction

    AP Health’s team-based outsourcing model helps hospitals reduce direct costs and administrative costs associated with surgical care recruiting, staffing, training and scheduling. Through our proprietary LogistiSx software we can seamlessly link with our hospital partners’ scheduling system and staff accordingly.

  • Clinical Outcomes

    AP Health understands the critical individualized nature of the relationship between a surgeon and his/her surgical assistants. Surgeons need a team built for how they operate, a team that can anticipate their needs and facilitate optimal outcomes in the OR.

  • Surgeon-Centric Approach

    A surgeon’s team impacts every aspect of his or her practice, from revenue and time/patient management to outcomes in the OR. AP Health builds teams of skilled Advanced Practice Providers that align with each surgeon’s unique methods and preferences and that can relieve surgeons of ancillary responsibilities.

  • OR Volume Improvement

    Highly capable Advanced Practice Providers can handle patient care throughout the continuum of surgical care – pre-operating H&P’s, intra-operating Surgical Assisting, and post-operating care in surgical floors and ICUs.  By delegating such duties to a trusted team, the surgeon can perform more cases during his or her OR days.

“Not all surgeons have the same needs. Not all departments have the same needs. Not all hospitals have the same needs, even hospitals in the same organization. So, we personalize policies and procedures for each hospital, each department and even each surgeon.”
John Torres, VP of Operations


AP Health helps you improve productivity, efficiency, revenue, patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes.
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AP Health keeps hospitals informed about critical business metrics that apply to their surgical assist program. We manage that program, but our hospital-partners need their finger on the pulse of its performance, so we provide a high degree of transparency.
Dave Meagher, SVP Corporate Development

Hospital-Based Advanced Practice Providers

AP Health helps hospitals recruit highly skilled talent and cost effectively manage the full continuum of their pre-, intra-, and post-operative surgical care services.

“Our services help surgeons focus on what they do best, and that is to operate. We provide consistent highly-skilled surgical assistants which surgeons love!"
J. Toby Gray, Chief Executive Officer

Customer Reviews

See what our customers say about AP Health

“Surgical Assistants from AP Health are an integral part of my team. I depend on and trust their experience and expertise. I also appreciate their positive attitudes and “hustle” in order to make my OR day as efficient as possible.”

Philip A. G. Karpos, MD
St. Thomas West Hospital

“AP Health First Assists are experienced and technically facile-helping me be more efficient. They understand the flow of surgery and I view them as an integral part of the care team. They are compassionate and go above and beyond. In summary, AP Health First Assists are the best of the best!”

Oran Aaronson, MD Neurosurgeon
Howell Allen Clinic, Nashville, TN

“AP Health gives me two surgical assistants on my OR days, one for each room, easily saving me an hour a day. Those same two practitioners are dedicated to me every day, which provides consistency, and when they’re out on PTO, AP Health provides me with a quality replacement assistant.”

Erol Yoldas, Orthopedic Surgeon
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about AP Health? See the list below for our most frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed here, then please contact us.

  • Our hospital already has its own Surgical First Assistant staff. What happens to those people if we contract with AP?

    Typically, after we sign an agreement with your organization, they would become our employees and our responsibility. And we would be responsible for recruitment of other SFA staff (and other perioperative practitioners) as needed into the future. As AP employees, besides competitive pay and benefits, they would realize a number of other advantages by joining our company including ownership and being part of a team that focuses especially on their skills and expertise.

  • What if a surgical practice already has its own physician assistant(s) in the OR and provides some of the other perioperative care?

    It is entirely up to the surgeon or surgical group to use their own Advanced Practice Provider(s) if they have them for their patients including SFAs in the OR, Nurse Practitioners for educational care, coordination with other providers, floor care (under the supervision of a physician), transitional care, etc. We would work with your surgeons, individually, to fill any gaps they might have. A surgeon might decide to re-allocate his or her OR-based PA to the office where they can often be of greater assistance and generate more revenue for that practice.

  • Is AP Health a staffing firm?

    Not exactly. Typically, yes, we provide key perioperative staffing components which include your Surgical First Assistants (which could be Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Certified Surgical Assistants, or Registered Nurse First Assistants (RNFA) – depending on a hospital’s case mix, volume of patients and other factors. But we also provide Advanced Practice Providers to ensure continuity of care before and after surgery as well. Plus, AP offers Information Technology and Perioperative Process Improvement services to further enhance the cost effectiveness and efficiency of a hospital’s overall perioperative services.

  • What surgical specialties does your company cover?

    All specialties

  • How does AP Health help surgeons?

    AP Health is all about making surgeons’ lives at the hospital easier which makes yours easier – and your hospital more profitable – and a better place for patients to receive care. It’s about intelligently offloading non-procedure work to Advanced Practice Providers and other professionals and working as a perioperative team.

Getting started is easy

AP Health offers a cost-effective, efficient, outsourced alternative to in-house surgical care staffing.
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